2016 CPS Request for Proposals, Research Priorities

2016 Request for Proposals

Note: Concept proposal must be accompanied by a completed and signed CPS RFP Guidance Acknowledgment form. 

FAQs for 2016 RFP - Updated as of 12.4.15. Please check back for further updates.

Q. Do I need to follow a Concept proposal format? Updated 12.4.2015

A.. Yes, You must use each of the 12 headings to provide the information requested. You are allowed three, single-spaced pages maximum to describe your proposed project. Use a sans serif font (Arial or Calibri preferred) no smaller than 11 point. No figures, graphical images, or tables can be used. One inch margins. Submit in Word format

Q. How many proposals may be submitted per Principal Investigator (PI)?
. CPS will accept two proposals from each Principal Investigator.

Q. When are the concept proposals due?
. Concept proposals are due by 12:00 noon Pacific, Monday, December 7, 2015. No exceptions.

Q. When will research begin?
. Funded projects will begin January 1, 2017.


Q. What is a Proof of Concept Proposal?
. Proof of Concept Proposal description:
CPS encourages proposals where the primary outcome of the proposed objective is to:

1. Generate preliminary data to demonstrate proof of concept for novel or high-risk: high-reward produce safety solutions.
     a. Success criteria are heavily weighted to CPS anticipation of providing future funding, if outcomes are successful, and to attract leverage funding for the PI.

2. Generate foundation data and practical proof of efficacy for highly focused preventive control or corrective action protocols
     a. Success criteria are dependent on a convincing expectation that outcomes are rapidly transferrable to practice or policy and not, necessarily, dependent on further CPS funding.

3. Generate preliminary data for a novel fundamental research concept that fits a long-term CPS priority
    a. Success criteria are heavily weighted to CPS expectation that data outcomes will significantly increase the competitiveness for leveraged basic research funding to the PI. 

These proposals should address a question in the Research Priorities. Proof of Concept awards are typically short-term studies with budgets of $15,000 to $30,000 and may not exceed $50,000 in total costs or one year in length. POC proposals that immediately or preferentially benefit a single commodity, industry sector, technology provider, or service provider it is typically expected that the beneficiary will commit at least 25% matching dollar funds and 25% valuation of in-kind support in the form of analytical equipment, consumable supplies, or facility operational expenditures (farm, equipment, pilot or commercial system). Provisions for protection of sponsor CBI (Confidential Business Information) are possible and expected but results of POC research are subject to the same requirements for transparency and public disclosure accessibility as standard CPS awards.