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CPS adds new video platform to website - CPS Minute

December 13, 2017

Woodland, CA, December 13, 2017 - The Center for Produce Safety (CPS) today announced it has added a new video section to the home page, creating a multimedia experience for site visitors.  

The CPS Minute video platform will provide visitors with insight from the CPS community; from techniques used in the field and post-harvest food safety knowledge, to information from CPS Board and Technical Committee members. Visitors will get a glimpse into some of the best practices currently being utilized by the industry. They will also hear from different members in the scientific and academic community about their latest research findings and food safety topics that will be a focus in the future. 

Who is the CPS Community?
Industry-wide questions require industry-wide brainpower. CPS brings together leaders from industry, government and the scientific and academic communities to identify the most pressing research needs, fund the most promising investigations and advance real-world solutions. The end goal is to assist in equipping industry leaders to implement actionable steps to ensure positive food safety outcomes. 

What CPS Minute Offers: 

Do You Have a Video Topic Suggestion?
-Let us know! Are you interested in hearing from a particular funded scientist about a certain project? Email all questions and requests to 

Check it out HERE:

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