Summary of Awards to Date

Expanded Sampling and Mitigation Strategy Evaluation for Cadmium in Desert Spinach


Jan. 10, 2016 - Jul. 9, 2016

Amount Awarded



Charles Sanchez, Ph.D.
University of Arizona



The objectives of the project proposed here are to expand current sampling efforts during the current Yuma growing season to develop tools and management strategies to reduce heavy metals in vegetable crops. Studies will include the development of a soil test that growers can use to predict the potential for a given field to produce crops with problematic levels of Cd. This evaluation will include soil test calibrations and high resolution soil sampling to assess the in-field variability and guide sampling protocols. Studies for evaluation of Zn fertilization as a potential strategy to reduce Cd accumulations in leafy vegetable crops will also be performed.

While some of this work is in progress with Arizona Specialty Crop Block Grant funding, CPS Rapid Response funding will allow the following: