Summary of Awards to Date

CPS Rapid Response - Investigation of potential preharvest and postharvest treatments targeting Salmonella spp. risk reduction on peach in Australia


Jan. 1, 2021 - Jun. 30, 2021

Amount Awarded



Kim-Yen Phan-Thien, Ph.D.
The University of Sydney


The goal of this exploratory rapid response research is to advance potential preventive controls of immediate and near-term use within the seasonal peach production period in Australia. Using an industry-research interactive process, preharvest and postharvest treatments are being prioritized to select the best practical options for risk reduction of Salmonella spp. on peach surfaces. Knowledge obtained in Australia will be disseminated to the peach industry, generating immediately actionable information for the United States and other stone fruit-producing countries in their coming season.

Parameters chosen for these studies aim to address a limited set of preharvest options and, primarily, mimic current postharvest processing practices to provide a better understanding of how these factors impact Salmonella spp. survival in a large-scale handling and packing environment. The overall goal of the project is to provide data that the peach industry can use to support preventive controls that reduce Salmonella risk on peach surfaces.